Thought is a vital, living force, the most vital, subtle and irresistible force that exists in the
universe. The thought-world is more real relatively than this physical universe. Thoughts are living things. Every change in thought is accompanied by vibration of its matter (mental). Thought as force needs a special kind of subtle matter in its working.

Subconscious Mind assumes the form of anything it contemplates. When you think of an object, your Subconscious Mind shapes itself into the form of that object. When you change your thought, your mind also changes its shape. Many modifications continually arise in the mind. Your thoughts rapidly change. Your Subconscious mind also changes its shape rapidly. Every moment, mind is continually creating hundreds of these thought-forms and continually dispersing them again. It never holds on steadily to one thought-form for some time. Every thought has a certain name and a certain form. Form is the grosser and names the finer state of a single manifesting power called thought. But, these three are one. It is the unity in trinity, the three degrees of existence of the same thing. Wherever the one is, the others also are there.

Suppose your Subconscious mind is now perfectly calm, entirely without thought. Nevertheless, as soon as thought begins to rise, it will immediately take name and form. Thus you find that every idea that man has, or can have, must be connected with a certain word as its counterpart. Language is different, but thought is one. Mental image is the same in all. Sound has got four forms, viz., Para, Pasyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari. Vaikhari is the ordinary speech. It differs in different countries. But Para, Pasyanti and Madhyama are one and the same. Para is undifferentiated sound that lies dormant in Brahman. The language of the Devatas, the language in the mental plane is one. It is Madhyama. The rotatory vibration of the causal body (Karana-Sarira) is Pasyanti. That is your real name. When you operate through your Karana-Sarira, (lower Prakamya or lower Divya Drishti), you will hear the Pasyanti sound, your real name.




Thought is subtle matter. A thought is as much solid as a piece of stone. You may die, but your thoughts can never die. They have form, size, shape, colour, quality, substance, power and weight. A spiritual thought has yellow colour; a thought charged with anger and hatred is of a dark red colour; a selfish thought has a brown colour; and so on. A Yogin can see directly with his inner Yogic eye all these thoughts. The stronger the thoughts, the earlier the fructification. Thought is focused and given a particular direction and, in the degree that thought is thus focused and given direction, it is effective in the work it is sent out to accomplish.




Thought is a great force. Thought is a dynamic force. Thought moves. Thought is infectious. Thought creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. Through the instrumentality of thought, you acquire creative power. There are nowadays numerous books on thought-power, thought-dynamics and thought-culture. Study them. You will then have a comprehensive understanding of thought, its power, workings and usefulness. The power of thought is very great. Every thought of yours has a literal value to you in every possible way. The strength of your body, the strength of your mind, your success in life and the pleasures you give to others by your company. All depend on the nature and quality of your thoughts. You must know thought-culture.




If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health. If you hold on to sickly thoughts in the Subconscious mind, thoughts of diseased tissues, thoughts of weak-nerves, thoughts of improper functioning of organs or viscera, you can never expect good health, beauty and harmony. The body is the product of the mind. If you hold on vigorous thoughts in the mind, then the physical body also will be vigorous. Evil thoughts of all kinds befoul and infure the Subconscious mind and, if persisted in, will become veritable diseases and maiming of the mind, incurable during the period of life.




As a man thinketh, so he is....Man is created by thought; what a man thinks upon, that he becomes. Think you are strong; strong you become. Think you are weak; weak you become. Think you are a fool; fool you become. Think you are God; God you become. A man forms his own character, becoming that which he thinks. If you meditate on courage, you shall work courage into your character. So with purity, patience, unselfishness and self-control. If you think nobly, you shall gradually make for yourself a noble character, but if you think basely, a base character will be formed. Steady persevering thought sets up a definite habit of the Subconscious mind and that habit manifests itself as a quality in the character. The thread of thought is woven into mental and moral qualities and these qualities in their totality form what we call character. You can build your character as surely as a mason can build a wall, working with and through the law.

The first step towards a deliberate creation of character lies then in the deliberate choosing of what we will think and then of thinking persistently on the quality chosen. Ere long, there will be a tendency to evince that quality; a little longer, its exercise will become habitual. Thought makes character. You spin the thread of thought into your destiny.




That which man thinks upon in one life, he becomes in another. If the mind dwells continually upon one train of thought, a groove is formed into which the thought-force runs automatically and such a habit of thought survives death and since it belongs to the ego, is carried over to the subsequent earth life as a thought tendency and capacity.

Every thought has got its own mental image. Every man has a mental world of his own, his own views, his own sentiments, his own feelings, his own habitual thoughts, his own experience and his own mode of thinking. The essence of the various mental images formed in one particular physical life is being worked out in the mental plane. It constitutes the basis for the next physical life. Just as a new physical body is formed in every birth, so also a new mind and a new Buddhi (Knowledge-Brain) are formed in every birth. It is difficult to explain the detailed workings of thought and Karma. Every Karma produces twofold effects, one on the individual mind and the other on the world. Man makes the circumstances of his future life by the effect of his actions upon others. Every action has a past which leads up to it; every action has a future which proceeds from it. An action implies a desire which prompted it and a thought which shaped it. Each act is a link in an endless chain of causes and effects, each effect becoming a cause and each cause having been an effect; and each link in the endless chain is welded out of three components. Desire, thought and activity. A desire stimulates a thought; a thought embodies itself in an act. Selfish coveting of the possessions of others, though never carried out into active cheating in the present, makes one a thief in a later earth-life, while hatred and revenge secretly cherished are the seeds from which the murderer springs. So again, unselfish loving yields as harvest the philanthropist and the saint; and every thought of compassion helps to build the tender and pitiful nature which belongs to one who is a friend to all creatures.




Everything in the material universe about us had its origin first in thought. From this, it took its form. Every castle, every statue, every painting, and every piece of mechanism-in short, everything had its birth, its origin, first in the mind of the one who formed it before it received its material expression or embodiment. Mind has got various preoccupations. When an artist begins to draw a picture on the canvas, he draws the picture out of the material preconceived by the mind or Subconscious Mind.

After all, the world is merely an idea or thought. Just as a seed begins to germinate at its proper time and place, so also the seer (knower) appears as the visible through the Sankalpa of the mind (the visible being no other than the seer itself). When the mind ceases to think, the world vanishes and there is bliss indescribable. When the mind begins to think, immediately the world reappears and there is suffering.

SANKALPA (Determination)

Cogito, ergo sum-I think, therefore I am. This is Descartes' fundamental basis of philosophy. This is in accordance with Sri Sankara's statement that the Atman cannot be illusive; for he who would deny it, even in denying it, witnesses its reality. The universe is rendered visible by mind. But, it is a pity that nobody has seen the mind save a seer. When you seriously and unceasingly think over the nature of the mind, it is nothing. When you begin to analyze Subconscious mind, it is nothing. It dwindles to airy nothing. It is a bundle of thoughts and the thought 'I' is the root of all thoughts. This 'I' is a false idea, a non-entity. When the root of all thoughts vanishes into nothing, where is the boasted mind? The first thought that arose in your mind was 'Aham', 'I'. The last thought or Vritti that will arise in the mind before it is absorbed in Brahman will be Brahmakara Vritti which is produced by your feeling that you are Infinity.


The universe is not mental creation of Jiva. One single, organized thought of the Cosmic Mind (Hiranyagarbha) has materialized as the seeming universe. This phenomenal universe is but an outcome of the Divine Will, seeming to be real through the workings of the mind. Before you write out a drama; you have a vivid mental picture of the whole drama in your mind. Then you write it out in succession in four acts. When it is staged, it is acted in succession, part by part. Similarly, the universe with its movements is a vivid mental picture in the Cosmic Mind-in the mind of Isvara. There is neither past nor future for Him. Everything is 'Present' For Him. There is neither 'near' nor 'far' for Him. Every place is 'here'. Every time is 'now'. The events come out in succession on the stage of the long world-drama as Time rolls on. Atoms rotate continuously. Old becomes new and new becomes old. In reality there is no such thing as old; there is no such thing as single. The Jivas with individual minds are witnessing the events in succession. But Isvara knows all events at one sweep. He is Sarvajna (all-knowing). He is Sarvavit (all-understanding) also. He knows every detail of His creation. The Cosmic Mind creates the Maya. Individual minds receive things under delusion. This universe is nothing but a mode of the mind, self-evolved from Brahman, the cause of the universe. All the universes which appear only through Manas are no other than its modes. The mind is subjectively consciousness and objectively it is this universe. Hence, this all-pervading world is nothing but consciousness itself.


This ever-agitated Manas (Subconscious mind), having come into existence out of the ineffable Brahman, creates the world according to its own Sankalpa (thoughts). This legerdemain of the universe springs out of the Sankalpa of your Manas. It is through the Sankalpa of your Manas that the universe appears to be and it is this Sankalpa that is asked to be given up by you if you wish to soar to the One Reality beyond the universe."Sarvasankalpasannyasi Yogarudhastadochyate-He is said to be established in Yoga who has renounced all his Sankalpas."(Gita, VI-4) With the growth of a paltry Sankalpa, there will arise the universe; with the extinction of the former, the latter also will disappear. With the annihilation of Sankalpa, all conception of differences between the seer and the seen will vanish and then the Reality of Brahman will begin to shine uninterrupted. Then the shadow of all the universe-movable and fixed-will be found absorbed in it in a non-dual state.

With the contemplation of 'I', all the train of ideas of the universe will set in; otherwise, the entire universe will vanish as instantaneously as darkness before the sun. Mind and 'I' are one. Destroy the 'I', and then the mind is destroyed. "Manah-kalpitam Jagat-(Creation of) world is an imagination of the mind" (Yogavasishtha). This legerdemain of the world is enacted by the mind and the mind alone "Manomatram Jagat. What you call world is the mind only."Mind is world. The mind manifests itself as the external world. This universe is no other than the mind itself. Like a dream generating another dream in it, the mind, having no visible form, will generate non-existent visible. This perishable universe exists only when the mind exists, but disappears with the absence of the latter. If the mind, which is the instrument of knowledge, perception and activity, vanishes, with it disappears this subjective world also. There is a corresponding notion and object for every Sabda (sound).

There is a notion and an object for the Sabda "Cow."Maya is deceiving you through Sabda-jala. The whole world is a mere notion, mere idea. It is Sankalpamatra. It is Bhrantimatra. It is Kalpanamatra. It is Akasamatra. It exists in name only. "Vacharambhanam Vikaro Namadheyam Mritti-ketyeva Satyam-all modifications being only names based upon words, the truth being that all is clay."The whole world is a combination of five elements. Analyze, realize the illusory nature of all objects and abandon all false objects. When you begin to analyze, the whole world vanishes and with it the notion, sound, and objects also. The happiness and misery experienced in this world are caused by the working of the mind. All the hosts of pains and pleasures arise from the mind only. They will perish if the mind perishes through stainless discrimination and spiritual Sadhana. The three worlds are created for the pleasures and pains of the mind. Suspension of the mental activity will cause the three worlds to disappear with their misery. With the destruction of the mind, all the three periods of time vanish into nothing. By controlling the mind, all occult powers are acquired. If the mind is not controlled, all else become useless and painful. Therefore, the mind should be annihilated.


Mind always functions within the categories of time, space and causation. These three categories are mental creations only. A coconut tree is not really twenty feet high. The height is only a mental interpretation. There are vibrations only outside. It is the mind that creates length, breadth, height, thickness, dimensions, void, square, etc. A distance of two miles comes out of feeling only. You actually feel that you have walked so much distance. When you transcend the mind, all these categories vanish entirely. Annihilate the mind, therefore, through Brahmavichara. You will enter a realm of Peace and Ananda which is eternal, infinite and causeless (Parama Karana).



The body with its organs is no other than the mind. The physical body is the outward manifestation of the mind. Mind is the subtle form of this physical body. The mind contemplating upon the body becomes the body itself and then, enmeshed in it, is afflicted by it. All the bodies have their seat in the mind only. Should the mind be paralyzed, then the body will not evince our intelligence. Without water, can a garden exist? It is the mind which transacts all business and is the highest of the bodies. Mental actions are the real actions. The mind performs all actions very speedily in the Linga Sarira and fluctuates thereby. But, the gross body knows not anything and is inert. Even should this gross body be dissolved, the mind will assume fresh bodies to its liking very quickly. This physical body is the mould, as it were, made by the mind for its own enjoyment, for its outpouring of its energy and thereby gaining different experiences of this world through the five avenues or channels of knowledge, the five Jnana-Indriyas (organs of knowledge or perception).


The actions of the mind alone are indeed actions; not so much those of the body. The body is really our thoughts, moods, convictions and emotions objectivised, made visible to the naked eyes. It is a point worthy to note with care that every cell in the body suffers or grows, receives a life-impulse or a death-impulse, from every thought that enters the mind, for you tend to grow into the image of that which you think about most. When the mind is turned to a particular thought and dwells on it, a definite vibration of matter is set up and often more of this vibration is caused, the more does it tend to repeat itself to become a habit, to become automatic. The body follows the mind and imitates its changes. If you concentrate your thought, the eyes become fixed. Every change in thought makes a vibration in your mental body and this, when transmitted to the physical body, causes activity in the nervous matter of your brain. This activity in the nervous cells causes many electrical and chemical changes in them. It is thought activity which causes these changes.


Mind is the subtle form of this physical body. The physical body is the outward manifestation of the mind. So when the mind is rough, the body is rough too. As a man of rough appearance generally cannot invoke love and mercy of others, so a rough minded man cannot invoke love and mercy of anybody. Mind very conspicuously reflects on the face its various states which a man of intelligence can very easily read. Face is an index of the mind, just as the tongue is an index of the stomach. The body follows the mind. If the mind thinks of falling from a height, the body prepares itself immediately and shows external signs. Fear, anxiety, grief, cheerfulness, hilarity, anger all produce their various impressions on the face. The eyes which represent the windows of the soul bespeak of the condition and state of the mind. There is a telegraphic instrument in the eyes to transmit the messages or thoughts of treachery, cunningness, fraud, pure love, compassion, devotion, depression, gloom, hatred, cheerfulness, peace, harmony, health, power, strength and beauty. If you have the faculty to read the eyes of others, you can read the mind at once. You can read the uppermost thought or dominant thought of a man if you are careful to mark the signs in his face, conversation and behavior. It needs a little pluck, acumen, training, intelligence and experience. Your thoughts, sentiments, modes and emotions produce their strong impressions on the face. The face is like an advertisement board wherein is advertised what is going on inside the mind. In face, you can hardly hide your thoughts. You may foolishly think that you have kept up your thoughts in secret. Thoughts of lust, greed, jealousy, anger, revenge, hatred, etc., at once produce their deep impressions on your face. The face is a faithful recorder and a sensitive registering apparatus to register and record all the thoughts that are running in your mind. The face is a polished mirror to indicate the nature of the mind and its contents at a particular time. He who thinks that he can hide his thoughts is a dunce of the first water. His position is like that of the ostrich which, when chased by the hunters, hides its head underneath the sand and imagines that it cannot be seen by anyone. Your face is like a gramophone record or plate. Whatever you think is at once written on your face. Every vicious thought serves as a chisel or needle to write down the thoughts on your countenance. Your faces are covered with the scars and wounds which are made by the vicious thoughts of hatred, anger, lust, jealousy, revenge, etc. From the nature of the scar in your face, I can at once read your state of mind. I can at once diagnose your disease of the mind.


The mind is intimately connected with the body. The mind acts upon the body and the body reacts upon the mind. Mind has influence over the body. A pure, healthy mind means a healthy body. Grief in the mind weakens the body. Body influences the mind also in its turn. If the body is strong and healthy, the mind also becomes healthy and strong. If the body is sick, the mind also becomes sick. A pain in the stomach causes depression in the mind.


The primary cause of diseases which afflict the body is bad thoughts. Whatever you hold in your mind will be produced in the physical body. Any ill-feeling or bitterness towards another person will at once affect the body and produce some kind of disease in the body. Intense passion, hatred, longstanding bitter jealousy, corroding anxiety, fits of hot temper actually destroy the cells of the body and induce disease of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and stomach. Violent fits of hot temper do serious damage to the brain cells, throw poisonous chemical products into the blood, produce general shock and depression and suppress the secretion of gastric juice, bile and other digestive juices in the alimentary canal, drain away your energy, vitality, induce premature old age and shorten life. When the mind is agitated, then this body also is agitated.

Wherever the body goes, the mind follows. When both the body and mind are agitated, the Prana flows in a wrong direction. Instead of pervading the whole body steadily and equally, it will vibrate at an unequal rate (unrhythmically). Then the food is not digested properly. Diseases originate. If the primary cause is removed, then all diseases will disappear. The pains that afflict the physical body are called secondary diseases, whilst the Vasanas that affect the mind are termed mental or primary diseases. If bad thoughts are destroyed, all bodily diseases will vanish. Purity of mind means healthy body.

Therefore, be careful in your thinking, in the selection of your thoughts. Always entertain noble, sublime, loving and kind thoughts. You will have harmony, health and beauty.


It is lamentable, indeed, to note that most of the doctors in the world, particularly the allopaths, do more harm than good to their patients. They exaggerate the nature of the disease to their patients. They fill their minds with imaginary fears of all sorts. They do not know the power of suggestions and their influences on the minds of their patients. As greed is ingrained in their minds, as the desire to become rich is deep-rooted in their minds, they try their level best to extract from their patients as much money as they can. If they say to their patients, .This disease is nothing. I will make you all right within a couple of hours, who is going to pay them amply? They give wrong suggestions to their patients: .This is a terrible disease. This is an incurable disease. A dangerous poison, a dangerous microbe is lurking in your lungs... The poor patient spends sleepless nights on account of imaginary fear, on account of wrong suggestion given by the doctor. Every moment he thinks: I may die at any moment. The doctor has said that my disease is dangerous and incurable... He drags a cheerless existence. The worry and anxiety and fear destroy millions of red blood-corpuscles daily. The doctor gives the wrong suggestions to glorify his skill, dexterity in the profession also.


The erroneous imagination that you are the body is the root of all evils. Through wrong thinking, you identify yourself with the body. Dehadhyasa arises. You are attached to the body. This is Abhimana. Then, Mamata (mineness) arises. You identify yourself with your wife, children, house, etc. It is identification or attachment that brings about bondage, misery and pain. You never wept when millions of Germans died in the war. Why? Because, there was no identification and attachment. But, you weep profusely when your son dies, on account of attachment. The word "My" Produces wonderful influence in the mind. Note the difference in effects produced in the mind when you hear the two sentences: .Horse is dead and my horse is dead…


Pain is evident so long as you connect yourself with the mind. There is no pain in sleep. If there is an inflammatory swelling on your back with throbbing pain, you do not experience any pain at night when you are asleep. Only when the mind is connected with the diseased part through nerves and thinking, you begin to experience pain. There is no pain when the mind is disconnected from the body by the administration of chloroform. During moments of great joy, the severe pain entirely ceases, as the mind is taken away from the body, from the seat of the pain. If you can consciously withdraw the mind from the diseased part by concentrating it on God or any other attractive object, you will not experience any pain even when you are wide awake. If you have a powerful will and strong Titiksha (power of endurance), then also you will not experience any pain.

By constant thinking of any trouble or disease, you only augment your pain and suffering. Pain is in mind. Atman or spirit is Anandasvarupa (full of bliss).


With the majority of mankind, the mind is greatly under the control of the body. Their minds being very little developed, they live on Annamaya Kosha mostly. Develop the Vijnanamaya Kosha and, through Vijnanamaya Kosha (Buddhi), control the Manomaya Kosha (mind). The Vijnanamaya kosha is developed by abstract thinking and reasoning, by systematic meditation, Brahma-Chintana, study of the Upanishads, Yogavasishtha and Brahma Sutras. When you have controlled the mind, you have perfect control over the body. The body is only a shadow of the mind. It is the mould prepared by the mind for its expression. The body becomes your slave when you have conquered the mind.

Mystery about the Mind

Mystery about – The Mind

The vast majority of men know not the existence of the mind and its operations. Even the so called educated persons know very little of the mind subjectively or of its nature and operations. They have only heard of a mind. Western psychologists know something. Western doctors know only a fragment of mind. The afferent nerves bring the sensations from the periphery or extremities of the spinal cord. The sensations then pass to the medulla oblongata at the back of the head, where the fibres decussate. From there, they pass on to the superior frontal gyrus or superior frontal convolution of the brain in the forehead, the supposed seat of the intellect or mind. The mind feels the sensations and sends motor impulses through the afferent nerves to the extremities i.e.: hands, legs, etc. It is a brain-function only for them. Mind, according to them, is only an excretion of the brain, like bile from liver. The Medical fraternity is still groping in utter darkness. Their minds need drastic flushing for the entry of Hindu philosophical ideas. It is only the Yogins (Those who practices the Yoga) and those who practice meditation and introspection that know the existence of the mind, its nature, ways and subtle workings. They know also the various methods of subduing the mind.

Mind is one of the Ashta-Prakritis: "Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, reason and egoism these constitute the eightfold division of My Nature" (From Gita, VII-4). Mind is nothing but Atma Sakti (Powerhouse within you). It is brain that wants rest (sleep), but not the mind. A Yogi who has controlled the mind never sleeps. He gets pure rest from meditation itself.

"He who knows the receptacle (Ayatana) verily becomes the receptacle of his people. Mind is verily the receptacle (of all our knowledge)." – Quote From Chhandogya Upanishad.

That which separates you from God is Mind. The wall that stands between you and God is Mind. Pull the wall down through "Om" Chanting or devotion and you will come face to face with God.

Mind is Subtle Matter

Mind is not a gross thing, visible and tangible. Its existence is nowhere seen. Its magnitude cannot be measured. It does not require a space in which to exist. Mind and matter are two aspects as subject and object of one and the same all-full Brahman, who is neither and yet includes both. Mind precedes matter. This is Vedantic theory (Listed in one of Indian Mythological Book). Matter precedes mind. This is scientific theory. Mind can be said to be immaterial only in the sense that it has not the characteristics of ponderable matter. It is not, however, immaterial in the sense that Brahman (Pure Spirit) as such is. Mind is the subtle form of matter and hence the prompter of the body.

Mind is made up of subtle, Sattvic, Apanchikrita (non-quintuplicated) Tanmatric matter. Mind is all electricity. According to the Chhandogya Upanishad, mind is formed out of the subtlest portion of food. Mind is material. Mind is subtle matter. This discrimination is made on the principle that the soul is the only source of intelligence; it is self-evident; it shines by its own light. But the organs (mind and senses) derive their principle of activity and life from the soul. By themselves, they are lifeless. Hence the soul is always a subject and never an object. Manas can be an object of the soul. And it is a cardinal principle of Vedanta that that which is an object for a subject is non-intelligent. Even the principle of self-consciousness (Aham Pratyak-Vishayatva) or Ahankara (Self-Consciousness) is non-intelligent; it does not exist by its own light. It is the object of apperception to the soul.

How to Activate Subconscious Mind Power?

The Subconscious Mind is driven by working in juxtaposition with the laws of vibration and attraction. It's been long perceived that once mastered, you will live an abundant life, obtaining all we wish for. What these laws mean and the role of the Subconscious Mind with steps to make this all happens?

Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration refers to everything being a form of energy and that the entire universe is made up of energy. Studying a particle through a microscope will show molecules are visible which are in constant motion. If you take it a little further and explore within the molecules, atoms become visible which in turn have a proton constantly being circled by an electron and this is in fact, vibration in action. So, as we know that all things are made up of atoms, we also know that all things are vibrating, albeit at different frequencies although it is only when vibrations occur within the human range, that we can see or feel them.

Whether you believe we were created by God or not, whatever or whoever created us must also vibrate. Taking into consideration that we are the result of this creation, and that we're made up of molecules, we in fact also consist of energy and as with everything else, we also vibrate. Thoughts, sounds, light and in fact anything that has to do with us also vibrates. Now, if we take all this into consideration, it should essentially be possible to synchronize our vibrations with the vibrations of the universe and therefore, providing we do this, it should be possible to connect with those things to which our vibrations are pointing to. Of course for this to work, the thoughts of both our conscious and Subconscious Minds must be in alignment with the vibrations of the universe. It is for this exact reason that we need to be aware of our conscious and Subconscious thoughts.

Law of Attraction

As with the Law of Vibration, we are also have the Law of Attraction and just as with the Law of Vibration, the Law of Attraction is also a law concerning the entire universe. In essence, the Law of Attraction explains that for every action, there is a reaction. In other words, there is an effect as well as a cause for everything we do. By applying this Law of Attraction, it is possible to have anything we want purely by thinking of it. However, in order for this to work, we need to condition the thoughts within our Subconscious Mind in order for them to attract that which we are wanting to attract. If the Subconscious Mind does not wish for a particular thing that we are wanting, we simply will not get it.

While we are able to control the Law of Attraction to some extent, we should also acknowledge that it is a law which exists apart from you. The only way to have some degree of control over this law is through our vibrations and our thoughts. In other words, we need to focus on conditioning our Subconscious Mind in such a way that it vibrates in harmony with the vibrations of the universe, thus allowing us to have whatever we wish for, simply by thinking about it.

The Role of the Subconscious Mind

So now we are aware of the two laws which are able to work in conjunction with the Subconscious Mind. We also know that if we enable this to happen, we can live a life of prosperity, obtaining all that we wish for. However, simply knowing about this is not enough because we also need to understand the role of our Subconscious Mind, which in turn will lay the foundation for being able to control it. Many people tend to confuse the brain with the mind so let's make this clear. The brain is not the mind. In fact, it is the mind which uses the brain to conduct certain functions. On one hand, our Conscious Mind is employed to receive and interpret sensory input from the five human senses by using our brain. Once our Conscious Mind has completed this task, it forwards the information to the Subconscious Mind where it will in turn be analyzed and processed in such a way that they will have specific effects on one's body or on the way that one does something.

In order to take advantage of the two laws we discussed and get something you want, you simply need to set the process in motion by focusing your thoughts on that which you want. Your Conscious Mind will accept the input and relay it to your Subconscious Mind.

Astonishingly enough, unlike the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind never sleeps and it never switches off, hence the reason why people dream at night. In fact, a dream is really a result of some kind, which is being delivered to you from your Subconscious. Another form of delivery takes the form of you receiving something which you have been wanting.

In order for you to get what you want, it is fundamental that your Subconscious Mind is vibrating in alignment with the vibrations of the universe and for this to happen successfully, the programming of your Subconscious Mind must also be in total alignment. If this is not the case, you will not get what you've been wanting. Your thoughts have to vibrate in accordance with your wishes and in so doing, you as a person will find yourself in perfect alignment with the universe.

Just look at this one last time. In order for you to live an abundant life and have all that you desire, you need to understand the Law of Vibration. You also need to understand the Law of Attraction and lastly, you need to understand exactly how the Subconscious Mind works. In simple terms, this entire concept works simply by you providing input to your Conscious Mind where it will in turn be interpreted, and then forwarded to the Subconscious Mind where it will be processed. If for some reason the programming in your Subconscious Mind is not in agreement with the recently received thoughts, suitable vibrations will fail to materialize thus not being able to align with the vibrations of the universe. This of course will result in you not getting what you want.

You can have anything you want but before that can happen, you need to make sure your Subconscious mind is in a suitable condition and able to vibrate in alignment with the vibrations of the universe. If you have not yet accomplished this state of mind, it's inevitable that you make certain lifestyle changes with regards to your current mindset.

Craft a Creative life with your Subconscious Mind power

Finally, you can craft your Life in the way you want………

Amazing Secret Reveals How to Eliminate Stress from Your Life, Skyrocket Your Self-Confidence, and Program Yourself (Program your Subconscious Mind power) For Lifetime Success In 5-Minutes a Day, You Can Easily Create the Life You Want Guaranteed!

Did you know that there is a single ingredient that separates people who are successful in life from people who are not? That component is how you harness your inner Subconscious Mind power .People who uses their Subconscious Mind power will take their dreams and make them come true. They are fearless in their drive and will take immediate, massive, repeated action and will never give up until they can live their dreams.

Many people feel powerless in their lives. They live forever at the whims of others, nasty bosses, credit card companies, or others trying to hold them back. They never discover the secret to inner Subconscious Mind power that is hidden within them. For most individuals, harnessing inner Subconscious Mind power is just a dream or fantasy. But, now you can be on the way to achieving your dreams in just minutes. I know it sounds incredible, but there's a simple, easy to use proven formula which unlocks everything your heart desires, and automatically creates the life you really want.

The single most important key to living your dreams is utilizing your Subconscious Mind power. No matter what your dream is, you make it reality when you master this skill. You'll be able to handle every obstacle along the way. And you'll be able to move in the direction of your dreams in just minutes.

Unless your personal power throttle is set on high, it affects every aspect of your existence. The way you set your goals, choose your values, or react to life is shaped by who and what we think we are.

When we use our power, we have a more confident feeling inside, we become successful in our lives, and we become unstoppable. The idea is to live our dreams now before it's too late. It's important to take some action each and every day, no matter how big or small in pursuit of our dreams. And the way that countless people who reached their dreams was with Subconscious Mind power.

One of the traits of people who are confident in their use of Subconscious Mind power and who really go for it is that they immediately take action. If you want to make your dreams reality, like so many before you have done, just focus your attention on what you really desire inside your heart.

Get a picture of what you want. Make it vibrant and focused and as real as possible. Make a vision board of your all Dreams.

By using Subconscious Mind Power will create wealth, success, romance, help you lose weight; build self confidence anything you want. It will also help you find your true calling, give your life meaning and allow you to have inner peace as you accomplish your goals. But in order to get the most out of life you must first understand how your incredible creating powers work.

With Subconscious Mind power you develop all your powers. Some people refer to your hidden abilities as Mind Power While a number of people will tell you it's the Power of your Subconscious Mind or The Power of Positive Thinking. The truth is - it's both.

The Power of Your Mind

You have abilities and powers that you're not even aware of. You were born with these powers, but you have never learned how to master them. Instead you go through life trying different things and hoping for the best but never really getting the most out of your own powers.

Doctors and scientists now firmly believe that 75% of all sickness and disease starts in the mind. Researchers have also proven that stress, which starts in the mind, is the number one cause of all fatigue and illness. Scientists have also proven that we only use 10% of our mind. The rest is never used properly. That means 10% of our mind is causing 75% of all sickness and we don't even know how to use that 10% properly. Imagine what would happen if we used our mind to its fullest? We would stop getting sick and live healthier, more productive lives. You can instruct your subconscious mind so that you create the life you want. While giving commands you'll get your mind and subconscious mind working for you.

Researchers have also proven that people who have a healthy and positive attitude or incorporate positive thinking live better lives. Why? Because they know how to use the power of their Subconscious Mind power. Unfortunately most people never get their Subconscious Mind working for them. Instead, they get their mind to work against them creating things they don't want.

Your mind and Subconscious Mind create everything in your life. With proper Shaping of your Subconscious Mind power you can really create a tremendous Life.

Your mind is an incredible power. By getting a proper knowledge of how to awaken your Subconscious Mind you can unleash this amazing power. Most important of all you'll develop your Intuition by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind.

Throughout your life, you have been taught all kinds of things. You were taught how to walk, how to read, how to write, etc. But no one ever taught you how to use the Power of Your Mind and Subconscious mind.

Creating Change

If you really want to create change or improve your life then you must nurture and develop your Subconscious Mind just like you would raise a child. In order to do this, you need to work with your Conscious Mind which has a direct link to your Subconscious Mind. You must learn how to work with both so that they work together as a team then you will truly create the life you want. Unfortunately most people think that in order to change their life or grow as a human being all they need to do is set goals, plan things ahead, manage their time better, say an affirmation or two, become more disciplined, work with a daily planner and a goal minder, etc.This is completely wrong and will only cause you more grief! The people who want you to follow such routines are not interested in helping you. They only want you to continue following them so that you become dependent on them.

There's an old saying: "Give a man a fish and you can feed him for a day. TEACH him to fish and you feed him for life!"

With Subconscious Mind Power your daily life becomes simple and easy you'll eliminate stress, worry and anxiety within days. You begin creating events you thought would never happen. With this Power you'll understand the principles of the Subconscious Mind and why short term tapes or subliminal programs don't work. When you have success you have passion when these two elements are in place you'll continue to fuel your success and eliminate obstacles. But before you have success you need to have opportunity. Then you need to understand which opportunity is best for you. With Subconscious Mind Power you will create incredible opportunities and understand which of these opportunities are best for you. The confusion and indecision is eliminated.

Why does this happen?

Because your mind plays tricks on you that are right it deceives you. It convinces you to stop trying to create change because it's happy in its misery. But you're not! In order to change your life you need to take control of your Subconscious Mind! And I will be there to point out when your mind is deceiving you and when it is playing tricks on you.

Practicing a Positive Lifestyle with Subconscious Mind Power

So what exactly is a positive lifestyle?

This involves looking at things a little differently. It requires that you see and understand the positive aspects of people and situations, instead of just focusing on the negative aspects.

Too often we get caught up with the negative opinions, attitudes, actions and thoughts of those around us and in the end we create a negative lifestyle that leaves us unhappy, depressed, hopeless and angry.

So in order to avoid falling into this trap or in order to move from a negative lifestyle to a positive lifestyle, we need to begin changing the way we see things, creating picture about those things in our Subconscious Mind and change the way we interact with each other.

Those of you who are now working with the Subconscious Mind are already in the process of building a positive lifestyle. Start working with Subconscious Mind and you'll learn how to eliminate the negative thought patterns and beliefs that create a negative or limiting reality. With Subconscious Mind Power you start building a positive lifestyle from day one.

The First Step

The first thing you can do is to change your negative responses when dealing with people.

i.e.: if someone asks you; "How are you." Instead of responding by saying: "Not bad." Why not say: "I'm doing great." Think about it for a second. Your first response was Not Bad, or I'm okay or so-so or hanging in there, or trying to get through the day, these are all negative statements that create more negative energy and perpetuate the negative lifestyle. Switching to the positive, to what you want leads to creating more positive energy and a more positive attitude. If you actually start saying that you're doing great, in time you'll begin to believe it and your reality will reflect that, things will actually improve.

So when you're talking to other people, change your negative statements to positive comments. If you're in a conversation where everybody is just being negative, try saying something positive and see what happens. Watch the response; you'll be surprised at some of the things that happen. Some people may think you're crazy, but a lot of people will actually start to see things differently. You'll actually get them to stop being so negative, and without knowing it, those very same people will begin looking at things in a more positive way. This may not happen the first time, and it may not happen all the time but the more you do it, the more often you'll get them to focus on the positive events.

This is one of the things I encourage in the Creating Power system, focusing on the positive but also communicating. Creating Power shows you how to train your mind to focus on the positive so that you
always send the right messages to your subconscious mind and create the life you want. With Creating Power, you'll learn how to create a positive lifestyle so that you enjoy living a life where everything works and you enjoy success, happiness and much more.

Focus on the Good Qualities

Often people will do things to make you uneasy, upset you, anger you, or just simply get under your skin. When this happens, it's okay to initially react, but after you've calmed down, look at the positive qualities in that person. Too often we focus solely on a person's negative qualities and forget the good things. By looking at the positive you get your Subconscious Mind to shift its attention, it now begins to see things differently and thus sends a different message and different energy to your Subconscious Mind. This new positive energy and positive message is picked up by your Subconscious Mind, your spirit and your higher power, they all bring positive situations to you. It's that old saying: "What goes around comes around." You focus on the positive in other people and other people will see the positive qualities in you. You focus on the good things in other people, and other people will see the good things in you and you'll attract positive situations in your life.

I'm not asking you to be a doormat and I'm not asking you to simply look at the positive qualities when someone is being unkind to you. Instead, I'm suggesting that you take a look at the positive qualities in addition to everything else. Don't neglect the positive qualities that a person has.

Just take an example: Let's say you're taking your son or daughter to a Theater. You're in the line and the guy behind you, who is also with his child, starts pushing. You ask him to back off and he gets angry perhaps starts yelling and screaming, all of this is taking place in front of your child and his child. Finally things calm down, you go to your seat and he goes to his. Perhaps you're still angry and silently cursing him as you sits in your chair. But can you see anything positive in that person? Most people would say no. But at least he was trying to spend some time with his kid. At least he took time out of his schedule, just like you did and took his kid to a Theater, just like you did. You don't know anything else about the person, but you just found some positive qualities.

When you do this you also release the anger and unhappiness, because you get your Subconscious Mind to focus on something positive instead of something negative, thus creating more positive energy. Try doing this with people you know and don't know.

Creating positive energy is crucial to your success and happiness. Let's face it, you certainly don't want negative energy or a negative lifestyle. With Creating Power within you by Subconscious Mind you'll learn how to do this and much more. The techniques, exercises and methods are simple and easy to use. Creating Power shows you how to focus on the positive and get the most out of life.

Encourage the Positive

Another thing you can do is to be encouraging and positive, not just when you're talking to people, but go the extra distance to help someone out when you can. Offer encouragement when people have questions or concerns. Instead of shooting somebody down or sharply criticizing them, take the high road and see how much more of an impact a few words of encouragement will help. Listen to what people say and try to offer a positive suggestion to help in their situation.

When you do this you get your Subconscious Mind to go in a positive direction, which in turn will attract more positive situations and you also back it up with action. It doesn't hurt to help people when they need a hand, a few words of encouragement will go a lot further than some harsh criticism.

Begin to see the positive aspects in other people by first focusing on your positive qualities. Creating Power shows you how to do both and it show you how to send the right messages to your Subconscious Mind so that you create the life you want.

Try Smiling

Finally, try smiling. It's actually a lot easier than frowning. It's true. Researcher and Scientists have found that you actually use fewer muscles to smile than you do when you frown. Try smiling more and you'll actually start to feel better. Take some time to laugh at yourself and at things you find funny. Be a kid every once in a while, don't take things too seriously, after all having fun frees the soul and eases the mind. Do things you enjoy and you'll start creating a positive lifestyle.

These are just some of the things you could do to start living a positive lifestyle and attract more positive energy into your life. Once you start doing some of the things you will start to move at a more positive, fluid pace and there won't be as many bumps along the road.

Attracting Abundance

Here the Secret is the law of attraction!

Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your Subconscious mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.

Everybody wants to have a lot of everything. We all want a lot of love, a lot of money, a lot of success, etc. We will often meet people who have a lot of everything and we'll also meet people who don't have a lot and who are likely struggling just to get enough of what they need.
Take a closer look at these 2 groups of people and you'll find that the people who don't have enough, who are struggling just to get what they need share a few things in common. They all have a negative and limiting thought pattern in their Subconscious Mind. They also are not focused and don't stick to one thing for very long. There's a sense of desperateness that they say causes them to give up on something often too soon, because they're in such a tight spot. In short things have gotten so bad that they say they can't afford to waste time trying something and waiting for results, they need to turn things around immediately. Unfortunately this kind of thinking usually makes things worse and I'll explain why in a few moments.
So what you can do to attract abundance into your life so that you begin having the abundance you want. What I am about to outline is practiced by some of the most successful people in the world people who have the abundance that many aspire to have. By this Law you'll also learn that no matter how bad things are they often don't change immediately, no matter how hard you try. The reason is further on so read on and enjoy.

Principles to Attract Abundance & Success

Before you can begin attracting abundance and enjoying success in your life you first have to begin understanding 2 basic principles that are constantly at work. Once you understand these principles you'll be able to better work with them so that you create and attract abundance and success in life.

The first principle is what I call the law of attraction and this simply states that you are a magnet for what you think; essentially what you think is what you attract. Here's how it works. Your thoughts create a field of energy around (In your Vibration Bubble around you) you that attract people, situations and circumstances that are in alignment with or are on the same frequency as yours. Any thought that is repeated with emotion (Here Adding Feelings in your Thoughts is most important) will bring to you people, ideas, opportunities, situations and circumstances that represent those thoughts. It doesn't matter whether these thoughts are positive or negative, it doesn't matter if they are good for you or not good for you, and you will attract what you think.

i.e.: If you think that it's difficult to find a job then you will attract situations, ideas and people that will make it difficult for you to find a job.

Just focus on whatever you want. When you focus your mind on something, when you make something a priority, when you constantly think about making something happen and insist on finding ways to make it happen, you will succeed. This happens because your mind is in constant motion, focused on making something happen and at the same time it is constantly directing the Subconscious Mind to create situations, attract people and ideas to make something happen. So if finding a job is important, make it a priority, keep your mind focused on finding a job, listen to the people that enter your life, pay attention to the ideas that come, insist on making it all happen and it will. You have to have a clear idea of what your goal is, you have to hold it in your mind continuously so that your subconscious mind can attract the people, situations and circumstances that you need in order to achieve it.

All Religions around the Universe and civilizations, such as the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, delivered it through their writings and stories. Recorded throughout the ages in all its forms, The Secret is the law of attraction! Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind.

"Every thought of yours is a real thing—a force."

Law can be found in ancient writings through all the centuries. It was recorded in stone in 3000 BC. Even though some coveted this knowledge, and indeed they did, it has always been there for anyone to discover. The law began at the beginning of time. It has always been and will always be.

What You Can Do To Attract Abundance

If you want to create abundance, wealth, success and happiness then start paying more attention to your thoughts. Take a look at the thoughts you have regularly and start feeding your mind thoughts of abundance, wealth, success and happiness. Get your mind to focus on what you want, make things that are important a priority. Stay focused. Keep giving your mind new information; search out possibilities instead of complaining or thinking about the limitations. Don't feel sorry for yourself, take charge of your Subconscious Mind and direct your Subconscious Mind to create the situations you want. See yourself living the life you want and don't tolerate any negative thoughts.

Doing this regularly will get your mind and Subconscious Mind working for you, so that you begin attracting the situations you want and need to create an abundance of wealth and success.

Finally if you want immediate results you'll have to exercise more patience. Most often change does not happen overnight, why? Because when you send your Subconscious Mind a message, when you instruct it to create opportunities for you - it will. But you have to examine the opportunities presented. Often lots of people want things to change right now. They fail to examine them. They expect everything to fall into their lap. If you don't follow up on the opportunities presented then you are denying yourself a chance at changing your situation. Also understand that the Subconscious Mind has to have time to go to work and generate these opportunities, which will be created by Nature around you. It usually doesn't take very long, but patience is essential because you want to be on the right track. So if you want things now, you'll get them quickly. But you have to be open-minded.